Last weekend we left sunny San Diego and headed east for Tyler, TX. Greg has been transfered to this small town in east Texas for the next 6 months. While none of our moves have been 'easy' this one was particularly difficult. Day one, our U-haul broke down in Eloy, AZ (45 miles from Tucson). We were stranded in the heat (120 degrees) for 3 hours and had to spend the night in Tucson. Day two, since we didn't make it to our first destination (originally New Mexico) we ended up driving close to 12 hours before arriving in Odessa, TX. Day Three, we hit the road at 4:30 in the morning to make it to Tyler in time to meet our realtor. Fifteen miles on the road, the trailor pulling my car blew a tire! I had to leave Greg behind at a gas station to wait for a mechanic to replace our tire while I went on to Tyler. The good news is we made it and we love our new house!