It is still a girl! Our little lady looked so big during today's ultrasound! She was squirming around and kicking me all over during the scan but they still managed to see all the crucial parts they were looking for. She is measuring on target and developing according to schedule.
On another note, we were given some concerning news. The perinatologist noticed the umbilical cord is directly in front of the cervix (where baby is suppose to exit at birth). This condition known as vasa previa, it is very rare and potentially dangerous putting us at the top of the high risk delivery list. This condition requires very close monitoring and delivery by C-section before the mother goes into labor.
They are also suspecting something called velamentous cord insertion. Which means the umbilical does not connect directly to the placenta. This leaves a portion of the cord blood vessels exposed and vulnerable to rupture, especially if the mother goes into spontaneous labor. This was all very scary but we are glad to have wonderful specialists monitoring our pregnancy.
It is possible for the umbilical cord to move up and away from the cervix over the next several weeks and we will keep our fingers crossed that all will be well. We will have ultrasounds every 2 weeks for the remainder of the pregnancy to keep an eye on baby's growth. Please keep us in your thoughts. xoxo