Thanksgiving weekend was special and memorable for so many reasons. We spent the holiday in Indiana with my grandparents and had a wonderful time eating and eating and eating! I started to feel the baby right around 16 weeks, maybe a little earlier but it took me a couple days to realize this really is the baby! I appreciate all the descriptions everyone contributed to help me figure out what it might feel like. I have to say that I think everyone is very different. The most accurate way to describe my experience is having the sensation of popcorn popping in my belly. I'm pretty sure these are actual kicks...I don't think I ever felt "flutters" just the kicks. We've been told this is a very active little one but I'll get to that in a minute.
While we were in Indiana my family performed the "Ring Test" on my belly. For those of you who are not familiar, the ring test is supposed to predict the gender of the baby (according to some people). You place your wedding band on a very thin necklas chain and hold it steady over the belly (or some people have told me you can do it over your wrist). The ring starts moving (all by itself, it's true and very freaky). If the ring starts moving in a circular motion the baby will be a girl, if it moves back and forth in a line it will be a boy. Here is my ring test.
That is so exciting! I did the "ring" test on the twins and it wasn't right-- I got my hopes up for at least one girl--and it didn't happen!
YAY!!!! Congrats! Can't wait for this little girl to arrive!
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