Sunday, February 8, 2009

Drum roll please...

It has been a little high stress here in our home for the last several months. We've been trying to live normal lives but there is nothing normal about relocating every 3-6 months. As you all know, this is Greg's last rotation in his company program. We have been anxiously awaiting news about his "permanent" position.

We have pretty much left our fate in the hands of Chicago Bridge and Iron and finally, on Friday, we got some news. Greg has officially been offered a permanent position here in Chicago! Wow! I am so proud of him! The economy has been so awful lately that we were both a little nervous about our future. We can finally take a huge sigh of relief and call Chicago...HOME :)

We are surviving our first winter, one for the worst winters in over a decade, and I can't wait to see this place in the spring! This is great city for us at this point in our lives and I am so thankful we did not end up in Texas! Maybe some day we'll make it back out to California but for now we're officially a funny word! Let the house hunting begin!!!!!


Katie B. said...

Congratulations! That is so, so exciting! I'll definately have to take a trip to Chi-town soon! And this winter has just been awful... I've been enjoying the 30 degree temps this past week :)

SloneFamily said...

That is so exciting! How Fun to live in a new place all the time, but then I am sure you are so happy to settle down somewhere. You will make a great Illinoisian! (?????)

Morgan said...

Congratulations! So exciting!

Lisa Marie said...

Yea! It's always nice to know what lies ahead. There is nothing worse in my mind than uncertainty.

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