Monday, November 30, 2009

Turkey for me and turkey for you!

This year Thanksgiving was stuck in the middle of 4 twelve hour shifts at CVS...not fun. As a result, there was no way we were going to be able to get home for the holiday. This was the first Thanksgiving I have ever spent away from my family and I really really missed being home!

On a positive note, this gave me the chance to cook my first ever Thanksgiving meal. I decided to make an entire spread of food (even though it was just Greg and me). I'm so glad I got the chance to do this!!! I have always feared the day I would have to make Thanksgiving for a large group of people with no practice or experience under my belt. I knew if I botched this meal, it would be okay, Greg would not be upset. Worst case scenario we would end up at Boston Market. I was completely shocked beyond belief that all my dishes were eatable! Not only that, Greg looked like he actually enjoyed the meal!

Take a look at our spread. Needless to say we are still eating left overs, but I actually think Thanksgiving food tastes better a few days later in the form of sandwiches! Yum!


Morgan said...

Good job!! I'm seriously impressed. I completely rely on my mom for this. Like you, I'm terrified for the day when I have to do the meal for 30 people!

Lisa Marie said...

Wow! You even had garnish on your turkey platter. Very impressive! It all looks VERY yummy.

Katie B. said...

Great job on your first meal! I'm very nervous to cook my first as well. I haven't spent Thanksgiving with my fam since I moved to MN but Kyle's parents are close so I still get away with not having to cook. Will you be making it home for Christmas?

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