Now that I finally have some down time, I've read some really great books! I just wanted to share my list. The books that have hearts next to them have been my favorites. I am also asking for suggestions, you'll notice I've just been sticking to authors that I like. I need a little more variety. My only requirement is the book be a page turner, other wise I lose interest quickly. If you have a favorite please leave me a comment! Thanks!
- While My Sister Sleeps by Barbara Delinsky - current book (entertaining)
- Stern Men by Elizabeth Gilbert ♥ (slow start, wasn't sure I'd finish this one, amazing ending!)
- Family Tree by Barbara Delinsky (entertaining)
- Love the One You're With by Emily Giffin ♥ (page turner)
- The Last American Man by Elizabeth Gilbert (story of Eustace Conway)
- Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert ♥ (probably my favorite book ever)