Now that I finally have some down time, I've read some really great books! I just wanted to share my list. The books that have hearts next to them have been my favorites. I am also asking for suggestions, you'll notice I've just been sticking to authors that I like. I need a little more variety. My only requirement is the book be a page turner, other wise I lose interest quickly. If you have a favorite please leave me a comment! Thanks!
- While My Sister Sleeps by Barbara Delinsky - current book (entertaining)
- Stern Men by Elizabeth Gilbert ♥ (slow start, wasn't sure I'd finish this one, amazing ending!)
- Family Tree by Barbara Delinsky (entertaining)
- Love the One You're With by Emily Giffin ♥ (page turner)
- The Last American Man by Elizabeth Gilbert (story of Eustace Conway)
- Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert ♥ (probably my favorite book ever)
You know what you should try... Chronicles of Narnia! It may sound like a kids book, but it has such an adult level. There are so many religious references, I just can't put it down. There are seven mini novels (not just the ones from the movies) and they are really easy to get through, especially if you don't want to spend 4 months reading a book. Try it! :D They are my absolute favs.
I just finished reading Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. It's not exactly great literature, but it is a page turner and was entertaining for me to read during my lunch breaks. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly is also an amazing book and a quick read [both because it's short and because it's a page turner].
Oohhhh! I love to read and am always up for good book suggestions myself. I just finished Jennifer Weiner's "Certain Girls." It was the sequel to "Good in Bed" so if you haven't read that I would suggest reading it before the second one. I've liked almost every one of her books. It was super good, really sad ending though. Her newest book, "Best Friends" is next on my list of her books.
And I just bought three new books for winter break reading: The girl with the dragon tattoo, The Alchemist, and The Kite Runner. I've heard really good things about them all, so I'll let you know if they are worth reading. Also, my all time favorite book is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Also, there is a website called goodreads.com that allows you to add books you've read, are currently reading and want to read. It's really neat, you can create a profile and add friends and suggest books to each other. My favorite part about it is that I can keep track of all the books I want to read! Good luck!
I love anything by Jody Picoult! Her book 'Handle with Care' is her most recent and is about a child with osteogenesis imperfecta and how her parents are suing for wrongful birth.
I also LOVE Jane Austen - and The Alchemist is one of my favorite books of all time.
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