Wednesday, November 17, 2010


to wave or flap rapidly in an irregular manner

As a first time prego I feel so clueless. At my OB visit last week the nurse asked me, "Are you feeling any fetal movement?" Ummm....I dunno. I'll be 15 weeks tomorrow and I feel little pokes and jabs in my "low belly" all the time, but I think that is called round ligament pain (because I am growing....rapidly).

The nurse explained that I will start to feel flutters. Ok, that doesn't really help me either. All you previously prego ladies know gas and constipation are pregnancy's two best friends. I feel all sort of things going on in there! My pregnancy book says it can take longer for 1st timers to feel movement so I'm trying to be patient but I am so excited!

Please share with me your stories about "flutters" and "kicks". I would like to think I'll be able to distinguish my baby from say gas but I just don't know what I'm looking out for!


Morgan said...

I felt Jackson move at about 15-16 weeks for the first time. It feels like there was a little butterfly in one spot for like 10-15 seconds just flapping it's wings pretty steadily and then it would stop. I usually felt him about 30-45 minutes after I would eat. Like he would wake up when my intestines started digesting my food or something. I couldn't tell at first either but then I started to distinguish all the normal bodily functions from the baby moving. It'll just take you a few days to figure it out :)

Lisa Marie said...

I didn't feel a SINGLE flutter with baby #1. I was sitting at the computer one day and felt a BIG kick. No flutters, just a kick. I was 19 weeks along. After that I could feel him moving all the time. For me I had to really feel something big to believe that it was the baby and not just gas, digestion, etc. I mean, even when I'm not pregnant I feel things in my belly and think, "If I didn't know any better, I'd think a baby was kicking me right now."

It also depends on what kind of baby you have. For example: One of my sisters had a baby that was constantly moving. Her next baby she was constantly worried if he was even alive because he never moved. Their personalities are still the same. One is always moving, the other still likes to take naps during the day (he's 7).

So, you may feel the baby move tomorrow, or it might be a few weeks. Does that help clear things up for you? LOL.

Megan Swiatkowski said...

I had the exact same experience with Savannah. The doctor kept asking me if I was feeling flutters, and every time I would tell her "No." I was super sick for the first 20 weeks with her, so I don't think I could ever distinguish flutters from nausea. I was freaking out because everything I read said I should be feeling her move. At about 18 weeks, I finally felt a big kick, and from that point on, I could distinguish all her movements from the uncomfortable bodily functions I was experiencing!!!!
I started feeling flutters earlier with Addelyn, but I'm positive it was only because I knew what to expect.
Can't wait to hear more stories!

The Cali Family said...

I felt the same way! How do I know what I am feeling! I think I probably felt him at about 14 weeks, but had no idea if that was actually him! It definitely feels different than "gas", so hang in there and you will feel it! You will just realize one day that it can't possibly be anything else! If you feel soemthing weird, it's probably your little one! :) So fun!! P.S. I bought a great fetal doppler (only $30 on Amazon) and it was the neatest purchase! I used it all the time when I felt a little anxious about the baby! I recommend it!

The Cali Family said...

How funny! Yes, the doppler is SO addicting. I would listen to it everyday when I felt nervous about the baby! I worried so much (I dunno why!). I would walk up a flight of stairs and be worried I hurt him, lol. Silly now looking back on it! Don't worry though, after you feel him/her move consistently, there is no mistaking that he/she is there and well!! Hang in there!

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