Our baby is getting so big! She is weighing just over 7lbs, average newborn size, just in time for her original due date which was yesterday!! She is still "tiny" for a 5 week old baby but with every visit to the pediatrician she moves up a percentile or two so we will get there eventually.

I had a lovely first Mother's Day. It was the first beautiful "spring" day that we've had here in Chicago so Greg made breakfast and we ate out on the deck. All our flowers and trees were in full bloom and it was perfect. Greg surprised me with a gift card for a massage and even took the liberty of booking me an appointment that afternoon! It was just what I needed.
Thank you for the helpful hints and suggestions for Gwyn's fussiness...I am willing to try anything! We did start medication for gas, I tried the Mylicon drops alone for several days and they do seem to help some. But, Gwyn is still very fussy when she eats.
Next, I went for a lactation consult to evaluate my milk supply and determine if I should be using a different technique (such as the block nursing). Lactation did not feel that Gwyn was being overloaded with too much milk but the consultant did witness this little lady having a full blown fit during our appointment. We are nursing one side at a time just to make sure Gwyn is getting sufficient hindmilk and were told to make an appointment with the pediatrician because the fussiness could be due to reflux.
The pediatrician agreed that alot of Gwyn's symptoms were reminiscent of reflux so we started baby Zantac a few days ago. We use the Zantac three times a day and the Mylicon drops in between. It can take a couple weeks for the Zantac to start helping so we will keep this up and cross our fingers!
To update on our sleep siutation...it's about the same. Because of the reflux Gwyn is sleeping upright in her swing or bouncy seat. She has been sleeping in our room since we brought her home. Last night I moved Gwyn's swing into her bedroom (this was hard for me), but I slept a lot better as a result. She makes so much noise at night in between feedings and this is the only way I can get any sleep, even if it is just a quick nap. Since her room is directly across the hall, I can easily hear her when she is truly awake and ready to eat again. I think we will stick to this arrangement for now and hopefully with the addition of the reflux medication we will all be getting more sleep in the near future!
Feel free to keep the fabulous advice coming!