Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday and this weekend we decided to carve our pumpkins. I think they turned out pretty good! I did the scary face and Greg did the one that looks scared :) Pretty hilarious!
Here is our porch all ready for our trick or treaters. Greg and I have costumes too but I'm not giving those away until after Halloween so I can post some pictures!
And for those of you who didn't already know, our next and final move in Greg's rotational program is to Chicago (I tried to sneak it in the beginning of this post)! We're moving January 1st and I'm very excited that this will be our final move before we settle down. I've never been to Chicago and I can't wait to explore this amazing city!!! I'm a little worried about how our dogs will manage in the snow but I guess they'll get use to it. I hope Greg and I can survive, this will be the coldest weather either of us have ever lived in!
Ok, you guys have some serious carving skills! Our pumpkins didn't look half that good. And I am a bit jealous of the leaf color change. That's definately something you don't get in AZ.
I am going to have to agree with Rachel... your pumpkins are amazing!!
You'll be close to me! I live in the Twin Cities (aka minneapolis/saint paul) - the cold weather takes some getting used to that is for sure. Last week on Monday it got up to 74 degrees... by Friday it was snowing - and it looks like there's no turning back!
Enjoy the warmth while you can - and congrats on the final move!
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