Friday, January 13, 2012

Lazy cook finds success

I love easy recipes. Pinterest has been a great tool for finding new recipes but some of my finds have been better than others. The pasta below is last night's dinner and will be going on my new "Success" board see it here .

I experiment with Pinterest recipes at least once a week and have decided to share my success stories with useful commentary here in blog land. Maybe a fellow busy mom will appreciate my recipe CliffsNotes and avoid having to make 5 different versions of Pinterest's "best chicken enchiladas".

I will not be creating a "Failure" board, who likes to dwell on a recipe gone wrong. Failed recipes will mysteriously disappear from my "Eat" board...nuff said.

Pesto pasta with chicken sausage and roasted brussel sprouts
The gist:
This meal is easy. Which means I can make it in 20 minutes or less, the ingredients are readily available (no crazy scavenger hunt at the grocery store) and kept to a minimum (less than 10 ingredients). It is also delicious and incorporates brussel sprouts (one of my favorite veggies).

I substituted trottole, a lovely curly pasta, for the orecchiette that was recommended in the original recipe. This recipe could easily feed 4 people, I had left overs that reheated beautifully for lunch. I will be making this again.

If you are not on Pinterest (you should be) and can not see my "Success" board, you can still find the original recipe here.

Last week I made this... a crockpot. It was divine, and insanely simple. I will never go back to Olive Garden for soup ever again.

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