Monday, February 7, 2011

Winter Weather Activites

Not so much. The ice skating, sledding, and snow boarding are obviously off limits this year. So what is a prego to do when it is barely above zero outside....swim!

According to all my baby books swimming is a great option for activity/exercise. I've been dealing with sciatica on and off for weeks so I figured the weightlessness of a pool might be a nice change. It was! But, trying to actually swim with a big belly is very awkward. I don't know if I'll go again.

Overall, it was very entertaining for Greg if nothing else.


The Cali Family said...

swimming was my absolute favorite when I was pregnant. It was the only time I felt truly comfortable! It makes you feel so much lighter. And you are so cute with that belly!

Megan Swiatkowski said...

Love your belly!

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